How to Deal with Covid-19 Anxiety

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By now we’ve been living with the stress and anxiety of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) for several weeks. The stock market looks like a rollercoaster, and there is all kinds of conflicting information about the virus making the rounds. How do you stay sane during this nerve-racking time?

We all react to stress differently. Some rise to the occasion, while others want to do nothing more than duck and cover. There is no right or wrong way to react to this crisis. It’s scary and there’s no denying that. It’s okay to be afraid, it’s okay to feel anxious. However, reducing stress will go a long way to keeping you healthy during this outbreak.

There’s plenty to be worried about during the Coronavirus outbreak – everyone has an older loved one they are concerned about, many of us may have health problems that would make having the virus more dangerous, we worry about the economy and how society will recover when all of this is over. There’s no end to the things we have to worry about, stressing out isn’t going to help any of us get through this thing easy.

Reducing stress and anxiety will not only make us feel better, but it will also put less strain on the healthcare system which helps to flatten the curve. You may not get rid of all your stress and anxiety, but you can reduce it using these helpful tips.

How to Deal with Covid-19 Anxiety

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep may be difficult to so during the crisis, but it’s imperative that you get as much rest as you can. If that means taking several naps during the day then take several naps during the day. It’s best to get a full 8 hours of sleep, but you don’t want to stress about not getting enough either. Do your best to get a good night’s sleep and you’ll go a long way in reducing your anxiety.


Another great way to reduce anxiety is to burn it off. If you can, take a run around the block or take a brisk walk in your neighborhood. Many of the gyms have been shuttered so going for a traditional workout might not be an option. You’ll need to get creative with exercise during this trying time. Here’s a roundup of some great at-home workouts for you to try.

Staying Informed

Knowledge is power, but only if it is the correct knowledge. There’s a lot of information out there about Covid-19, not all of it is trustworthy. Some respected resources include, and Cable news and online newsources do their best to stay up to date with the most accurate data. Stay away from sites with less than stellar reputations.

Limit Social Media

Social media is great for staying in touch with friends and family, especially when we’re all self-isolating, but it isn’t the place to get your news and information about the virus. Enjoy social media to connect with friends and family, but you might want to shut it down if it becomes stressful.

Limit the News

Even if all the information is correct, it can still be too much and no one needs to hear it repeated over and over again. It’s bad out there, we know people are getting sick and even worse, we don’t need to hear it 24/7. Turn it off and find something enjoyable to do.

Exercise your Brain

Now is a great time to exercise your brain. Pull out those puzzles you kept for a rainy day. Better yet, try your hand at something creative you’ve always wanted to try – painting, writing, even yoga. If you’ve got some extra time put it to good use and learn something new. Here’s a list of free online language learning courses. If you’ve always wanted to learn French, now’s your opportunity.

Talk to a Friend

You may not be able to go out and have coffee with a friend, but talking on the phone is the next best thing and it will do wonders to reduce your stress and anxiety. Just talking to someone, even if you never mention any of your fears, can reduce your stress level to near normal. Talk to a friend that’s funny and you’ll be feeling good in no time.

Seek Help from a Specialist

If you can’t reduce your anxiety it might be time to talk to a professional. Call your doctor and tell them what’s going on. They may be able to refer you to someone who can help, or they may be able to prescribe you something to help during the Coronavirus crisis.

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