Raising Your Vibration

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Last time I wrote about success later in life. For many we get caught up in our daily life of family, job, friends, commitments etc, and we never seem to have time to pursue our dreams. In addition to listing several famous people who found success after age 40, I also listed some of the things you need to do to get on the path to reaching your dream – whatever it is. In essence, I was talking about raising your vibration. You might call it getting in the flow, going with the flow, tapping into core power, being one with the universe – whatever you call it, it’s something that needs to happen so everything else can fall into place.

Sounds a bit daunting, I know. But, it’s really not that difficult to raise your vibration. All you need is practice, patience and peace.

How to get into the flow and raise your vibration

Gratitude – One of the fastest and easiest ways to raise your vibration is to be in a state of gratitude. Being thankful for all that you have and all that you will receive is a wonderful way to connect with your higher power. It’s also really difficult to maintain a negative mindset when you’re actively thankful.

Pay Attention to your Thoughts – As Jen Sincero, author of You Are a Badass, so succinctly states – “Thoughts become our words, words become our beliefs, our beliefs become our actions, our actions become our habits and our habits become our realities.” So if you’re telling yourself that you’re a horrible person because you can’t stay away from the dessert table, or you’re a loser because you never go after what you want – just stop it already. Tell yourself that you love yourself, that you are worthy of love, that you deserve love, and nix anything less than that.

Meditate – Twenty minutes first thing in the morning or last thing at night (or any time you can turn off the outside world for long enough to get in and enjoy the zone) is a great way to raise your vibration. If you meditate first thing in the morning you’ll clear your head so you can face the day without the squirrels running around in your hear. Last thing at night meditation allows you to rid your mind of all the clutter you’ve accumulated throughout the day. Or, try both and see how wonderful you feel.

Create your Environment – Get rid of the clutter and chaos that fills your home. If you’re like most people your home has stacks of things that need attention, but that we never get too. You probably haven’t eaten on your dining room table in ages, if you can even see it under all the mail, random bags of things, lunch boxes, and whatever else your family puts there. It’s difficult to find peace if your environment is cluttered. If possible hire someone to come in and do a thorough cleaning of the house. If that’s not in the budget set aside a weekend and tackle the job with the family. You’ll all benefit from having a organized and picked up space.

Music – Studies have shown that music can reduce stress and anxiety and it doesn’t matter what kind of music. If you love classical, it will help make you feel calm. Same goes for rap, country and even Kpop. Music also improves memory function, and can increase the rate of healing. Music is good for the soul so listen to it whenever possible.

Turn Off Negative Distractions – Too much cable news can make anyone feel as if the sky really is falling. Turn off the TV, get off social media, and get outside and enjoy all the universe has provided for you. Negativity, like that found on cable news or social media is like a virus, it’s contagious. You don’t need that in your life, there are too many wonderful things to experience.

These are just a handful of ways to raise your vibration, but there are as many as there are stars in the sky. Do what makes you happy and makes your heart soar and you will raise your vibration.



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